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Youth groups, old people’s groups, etc.


Updated: Nov 13, 2024

Is it God’s way to separate His people up into various groups?

Ephesians 2:11, 13-14 NKJV

[11] …you…Gentiles in the flesh…

[13] But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

[14] For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation,

Romans 12:5 NKJV

[5] so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.

1 Corinthians 14:12 NKJV

[12] Even so you, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel.

God’s purpose is to bring people together in intimate Christian fellowship with each other. For each to edify the others.

How would people do this if they do not even know each other, because they all are separated into the many different groups? How would they edify each other? How would they know each others’ needs? How would they know what to pray for for each other? And then rejoice when God responds to their prayers?

The church has always been composed of dissimilar peoples (for example, Jews and Gentiles), and they were to be united as one people. Regardless of age, gender, etc., our interests are the same with regard to God (that is, grow to be more and more like Jesus).

Young people must minister to old people and vice versa. Women to men and men to women. And so on. Everyone loses when this does not happen. And the world’s ways are glorified instead of God’s incredible ways.

The younger Christians need the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, testimony, care, expressions of love, etc. of the older people. The older ones need to hear new ideas from the younger people and to minister to them. Men must use their gifts of the Holy Spirit for the benefit of women and vice versa.


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