Acts 2:42 KJV
[42] And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Christianity is to be lived out a lot in community. Yet Christians are usually together for just a few hours per week. Since they have so little time together, they should make the best use of that time. It is extremely valuable. According to the verse above, it must be used for learning the Bible, prayer, eating together (including the Lord’s Supper) and “Christian fellowship.”
1. …sharing mutual interests, experiences, activities, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014
Christian fellowship is sharing Christ with each other. It includes things like giving testimonies, exhorting one another, and doing good works together. Of course, it also involves and mostly includes the three things already singled out—teaching and learning the Bible, prayer for each other and sharing meals with each other.
Christian fellowship is not doing whatever with fellow Christians.
For example, entertainment (that is widespread in churches) is most likely not Christian fellowship. It is fellowship, but it is not sharing Christ. It is sharing being entertained together. Christians do get to know each other and become friends while being entertained together, but that happens in all communities of people with shared interests. Country clubs, for instance.
Even if these other activities and shared experiences are somewhat Christian fellowship, they are certainly not as valuable as those that directly share Christ.
Completely eliminate entertainment, socials, fun times, etc., and replace them with Bible study and prayer. Then stand back and watch what happens.