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Marketing God.3. Gimmicks change the message.


Updated: 10 hours ago

The way a message is transmitted affects the message received. For example, if I ask someone to help me fix a flat tire, screaming at them with an angry look on my face, I will communicate one thing. One the other hand, if I ask someone to help me fix the tire, using the same words, but talking softly with a pleasant look on my face, I will communicate something different.

Likewise, when all sorts of marketing, gimmicks, worldly incentives are used to get people to hear the Gospel (for example, gift cards, popular music, T-shirts) they are being told the Gospel is not good news, but terrible news. Or at least most unpleasant. "A bitter medicine to swallow."

The Gospel is wonderful! What could be better news than to be saved from God's eternal wrath? It does not need any help from silly enticements.

It is like owning a multi-million dollar Bugatti, and hiding it. Instead, showing off a borrowed, beat-up, old Ford Pinto.


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