If God's Word is what attracted them to church, that will tend to keep them there. (God's Word = both the Bible and the Bible lived out in saved people's lives (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).
On the other hand, if fun and entertainment enticed them to church, that is what must be used to hold them there. Why? Because those who attend this type of church are typically unsaved people. They are attracted to the things unsaved people desire. Fun and entertainment are the means most so-called churches use to attract people to their assemblies. God's Word is an annoyance to them.
To verify this, notice the percentage of announcements about church events that are mostly fun and entertainment vs. Bible learning and living. (Please do not be misled by what they call the events. For example, what is called Bible study often has little or no study of the Bible. Rather, it is a social gathering of friends with minimal Bible added.)
Completely eliminate fun and entertainment, and replace it with just Bible study and prayer, Then stand back and watch what happens. At the church I attended years ago, visitors showed up one Sunday, and asked us if we had activities for the youth. They were told yes, we have Bible study and prayer for the youth. Of course, those visitors never came back.