Matthew 6:9 KJV
[9] After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
The beginning of the Lord's Prayer—Hallowed be thy name—is a prayer for God. It is asking God to do something for Himself. To cause His own name to be hallowed. However, when you pray for God's name, you are praying for people too. It is people who are to hallow His name. You and others.
To hallow means to treat as holy.
Holy =
Unique, extremely different, distinct from everything else.
Without defect, full of virtue, goodness.
His name =
His nature, attributes. For example, He is wise, merciful, wrathful.
His purposes. For example, that people glorify Him.
What He does. That is, the steps He takes to achieve His purposes. For example, he gave people the Bible.
(1 Samuel 18:30, Psalm 48:10, 124:8, 148:13, Proverbs 22:1, Ecclesiastes 7:1 and other verses reveal what God means by “name.”)
So to hallow God’s name is to respond to God’s holy nature, purposes and actions in the ways commanded in the Bible. For example, fearing, having faith in, loving, obeying, worshiping, praising God.
In contrast, most people do the opposite.
They mostly do not think of Him at all. They believe God is completely irrelevant to their lives. When they do think about Him, it is usually to tell jokes about Him and so on.